Chowchilla Subbasin
Domestic Well Mitigation Program
Program Application
Revised December 1, 2022
The Domestic Well Mitigation Program (Program) is a cooperative effort funded and implemented by the Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs) in the Chowchilla Subbasin (Subbasin) through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The GSAs in the Subbasin include; Chowchilla Water District, Madera County, Triangle T Water District, and Merced County. Collectively, and consistent with the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), the GSAs agree to mitigate for current or anticipated domestic well impacts resulting from declining groundwater levels that occur from groundwater management activities outlined in the Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) through creation and implementation of this Program.
This Program Application shall be completed by the property owner of record (Applicant). Completion of this Program Application by the Applicant is not a guarantee of Program eligibility and does not bind the GSAs in the Subbasin to provide mitigation as may be afforded under this Program. This Program Application is intended to initiate the review process. Should the Applicant qualify for mitigation under the Program, additional consultation, analysis, and documentation will be required.
Complete the form below to apply, or download and fill the PDF application and apply in person at the Chowchilla Water District office during office hours.
Initial well assessment:
Prior to submission of this Program application, the Applicant shall complete an initial well assessment using a licensed contractor (preferably local). The initial well assessment must clearly identify and document the current or anticipated operational issue(s) associated with the well for which mitigation is being sought.
One-time fee:
Costs associated with determining Program eligibility shall be covered by the Applicant through a one-time fee of $100. Review of this Program Application will not be initiated until receipt of the one-time fee is received by the Program Manager. If the Applicant is awarded mitigation under the Program, the one-time fee will be reimbursed. Payments shall be delivered to and made payable to:
Chowchilla Water District
327 South Chowchilla Boulevard
Chowchilla, CA 93610
Program Director – Bobby Dibler
Email – [email protected]
Direct Line – (559) 665-4767
Cell – (559) 479-6053